Niall O'Farrell Apps

Landscape Photography 0.0.1
Niall O'Farrell
Whether you are a beginner, novice, orjustsomeone trying to improve your photography this app is designedtohelp you. Carrying book with us when we go out photographing isnotalways an option, its more weight to carry, it’s notconvenient,etc… but we always carry our mobile phones. So having asimpleguide on our mobile phone to assist us can be useful.I have tried to keep this guide simple and include a lotofuseful hints and tips to help everyone improve theirLandscapephotography. I am a big believe in getting picture rightwhen weuser our camera, rather than taking a bad photo and thenusingphoto editing software to fix it. This Guide will take youthroughtips like camera setting, dealing with weather, planningyour sceneto get the best photos and some basic cameraequipment.So weather you are starting out or someone looking for someideasto help improve your Landscape photography I hope this littleguidewill be useful. This guide is part of a serious ofphotographytutorial I plan to work on.(This app is ad free.)